'R' Articulation Seminars, Resources, & Materials for SLPs & SLPAs

Let's Hear It For R!
Treat the trickiest sound with confidence and achieve great student outcomes!
You will know the 9 steps for remediating /r/. Our structured, streamlined approach will take the guesswork out of therapy.
We made your word lists for you! Our /r/ drill packets include everything you need to deliver effective therapy, no planning or prep required.
Your clients won't be in speech therapy forever. Your knowledge of consonantal /r/, vocalic /r/, and coarticulation will help them master their most challenging sound quickly.

This program is a structured, streamlined approach for correcting this most difficult sound. This is NOT a quick fix for /r/. Those of you who have searched for one know there is NO quick fix! In this webinar, you will listen to audio clips of real students working on /r/, watch six video clips, and practice your discrimination skills. The webinar will lead you through the following nine steps for remediating /r/.
.15 ASHA CEU's

Cycles for Phonology focused on patterns instead of individual sounds resulting in efficient generalization of targets, drastically reducing therapy time for children with phonological delays.
In Let's Hear it for R you will learn to dentify the difference between consonantal /r/ and vocalic /r/ and which to target first. Treat /r/ in an order that leads to process, and understand co-articulation with /r/.
This is a great "road map" to accompany Let's Hear It For R! therapy program. It will keep you on track and allow you to document student progress.

UPDATED and organized! Most common errors and ways to begin targeting them for articulation therapy. This download will highlight the easiest starting point for most kids (final, initial, medial) and will give you techniques for eliciting the followings sounds: Laterals, /r/, /l/, /s/, 'sh', 'ch', 'dz', /k/ and /g/ have been added!

This is THE bundle if you are working on /r/! There are 15 total pages in this packet including initial, medial, and final words, sentences, and phrases, and two therapy logs.
Plus, you will get a brief overview of Let's Hear It For /R/! program (FULL version can be downloaded from the Let's Hear It For R! page).